Reiki Classes
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Class information
     What is a First Degree Reiki Class?
     What is a Second Degree Reiki Class?
     Where are Classes Held?
     No refunds are given for First and Second Degree classes, but your deposit can go towards a future class taken within that year.

Reiki Master Rebecca Henry is teaching classes in Colorado and Vermont during spring and summer of 2019.

March 2019 -- Boulder, Colorado (contact Rebecca for location)
- First Degree Reiki Training
    Dates and times to be determined.
    $200 for this 12 hour training. Deposit $50 required to hold your spot in class.


Private Classes
I encourage people to join one of my group classes if at all possible, but there are situations where a private class is more appropriate. The fee for a one-on-one private First Degree class is $300.

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